Win a FREE PASS for the next round of UStamp with Dawn and Friends

I am so excited to announce that Dawn has asked me to design again for the new round of UStamp with Dawn and Friends. Even more excited to announce that she asked me to be one of the Creative Crew Girls!
The nexr round is all about CARDS WITH COOL MOVES!
You can find more details at

IMPORTANT:Please leave your email address or log in when you leave your comment, so I can email the winner and send your email to Dawn to send you the invite.

I am giving away a FREE pass for the next round of UStamp. Please leave me a comment on this post for a chance to win.
You have until September 7th, midnight EST to leave a comment and I will announce the winner on the 8th.

Thank you


hwiecker said…
I would so love to win a free pass!
Dawn Hoffman said…
A free pass to UStamp would be great! Thanks for offering this! Hope I win...
Sharon said…
Good deal! Count me in
Bobbie White said…
I'd love to win a pass to the next UStamp! I've signed up once before for one of her sessions and absolutely loved it!
Amy Parker said…
Congratulations on joining the creative crew! I can't wait to see what the group comes up with next!!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for a great opportunity. I absolutely love your cards and designs and would love to win this to be able to enjoy more of your ideas. Katja
Love your blog, love U stamp. Would love a free pass to U stamp. Thanks!
Big Apple Jen said…
I always make sure to visit your blog ... always so inspirational! THANK YOU!

Oooooh, UStamp looks like a blast ... would love to be a part of it!
Anonymous said…
I love your blog and I would love to win a free pass!
Lorri said…
Congrats Ilina! You are so deserving to be a part of UStamp!! I LOVE your blog and check it daily!
Sheri D said…
YEA Ilina! Thanks for the giveaway!
Anonymous said…
Love your blog, and would love to win a free pass to Ustamp.
Richelle said…
Wow...would love to win a free pass..sounds like a great ustamp too..thanks Richelle
lisa808 said…
Congratulations!!! Thanks for a chance to win a free pass to that amazing site. lisawhs808 at aol dot com.
Queen of Scraps said…
This would be a lot of fun to win!
Pat said…
Wow, congratulations and thanks for the chance to win.
Anonymous said…
Congrats on the new Creative Design Team I am sure you will create some cool cards! Thanks for the inspiration!
Mimi Hornberger said…
Wow! That sounds awesome! Thank you for the opportunity. I would love to see all of these wonderful creations.
Michelle Single said…
Congrats to you (again)! Can't wait to see what you come up with this time.
Rachel Scott said…
How exciting! You really have great ideas and I love looking at all the great cards and projects you make. Thanks for the chance to win a free entry!
Karen Urbisci said…
Congrats to you!!! I would love to win a free pass, what a great opportunity to try it out and get someone hooked!!
Anonymous said…
You are a busy woman - I don't know how you do it all! Congrats to this and to Honorary Queen on the Royal Blog Tour (I'll see you there!).
I clicked the link to see more about the cool moves class but could only find early fall edition. Are they the same?
Monika Davis
Anonymous said…
I would love to win a pass to the next round of ustamp. Congratulations on being a designer.
inkedx2 said…
I would love to win a pass. Thanks for the offer.

Dawn said…
Congrats - sounds like fun! This would be really great to win. Thanks for the chance!
love your work
Karen Kurz said…
Wow, sounds like a fun class. Thank you for the chance to win.
Anonymous said…
I would LOVE to win, plus I really like your work.
Jo Ann
Beverly said…
Love your creativity. Would love a chance to get the free pass. Thanks for the offer.
Crafts by Heidi said…
Oh I would love to win a pass!! Thank you for the chance!
Heidi Sorg
Tammy Fite said…
Love all you do, Ilina!!! I am so excited for a chance to win the free pass!!! Thanks!
Anonymous said…
Love your work! A free pass would be awesome!
Barbara said…
Your work is ALWAYS amazing, so it's really no wonder you were asked to join the design team...definitely their gain! Congrats!! I'd love a chance to win a membership with Dawn...and see more of your creations!
Thanks for the opportunity to win a free pass.
Anonymous said…
I would love to win a free pass. I love your site and glad you are into videos now. Thanks for sharing Beverly.
Tory said…
I would love to win a free pass. Congrats on being a designer for this. tabray @
Keith Rueda said…
Cogratulations Ilina... You are really an artist and your creations are a master piece. I hope be locky and be the win of the free pass.
My e-mail is
Zoe said…
Love your site, purchase many of your tutorials. Your work is fantastic. Would love to win a Free Pass.
Denise T said…
Congrats~love your creations and would love to win a pass to see more!!!
Anonymous said…
Congrats Ilina -- Love your work and I check our your blog several times a week to see what is new. I would love to win a free pass. Thanks for the opportunity.

Ronna Crowley
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for all the fun and inspiring ideas. I would love to win the free pass.
Anonymous said…
What a wonderful opportunity to be a part of UStamp again. Love your work!
Congratulations Ilena!! You so deserve that as you are so wonderfully talented. Congrats also on being named one of the Queens for the RBT!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with.
Ihopeyou will put my name in the mix for the Free Class.....Have a great weekend!
Jackie said…
It's not hard to understand why you have been asked to do another round with U Stamp with Dawn & to be one of the Creative Crew Girls, Your Good. I recently purchased early Fall 2010 after finding out you were participating & of course I was not disappointed. I really enjoyed your session in Growing Green great color combo.
Thank you for the chance to win a pass to the next session of U Stamp with Dawn.
Keep up the great work & I really enjoyed your recent video
jackie Cody
Teresa Bartley said…
Hi Ilina ~ I would LOVE to win a free pass to U Stamp w/ Dawn !! I've been a stamper for about 8 years- but am new to this "website" / computer thing- am looking forward to "getting w/ the program" :)
I LOVE YOUR STYLE of cards !

Thanks for this opportunity !
Teresa Bartley
francork said…
Thanks for the opportunity to win this free class

Fran Schaak
Elaine said…
Congratulations for being a chosen as a Creative Crew girl, not that it is surprising with all your talent. Thank you for the opportunity to win a pass for another great U Stamp
Karen said…
I would love to win a free pass. Your stuff is always so great I love your style.
Marie Louise said…
I absolutely love your ideas and would love a chance to win a pass to UStamp. Thanks for the opportunity.
Fingers crossed! I would LOVE to win!!!!
Pinky Roth said…
I love your blog which I recently discovered...I would love to win this so here is my email:
Donna said…
I love all of the wonderful projects you come up with. Thanks for the opportunity to win a pass. You are such a great addition to USTamp.
jguyeby said…
If you are part of this, then I would definitely love the opportunity to win a pass. I am looking forward to meeting you Friday evening in Baltimore.

Jennifer Eby
Amanda Harbison said…
i totally am a fan of yours! love your work. I'd love to win a pass to see all the talent on UStamp!
Anonymous said…
Congrats on being asked to be a part of UStamp! You totally deserve it; I love every single thing you post. Thanks for the chance to win a free pass! Jennifer
Teresa Hafso said…
That would be totally awesome to win a free pass. This work is incredible.
Christyne said…
How wonderful! I'd LOVE to win!
Nancy S said…
Pick me, Pick me. Can't wait to see what Dawn has for us this time.

Nancy S
Lori Mueller said…
Oh golly! Could I be so lucky to win a free pass?!! PLEASE, let this be my lucky day! Love your stuff, Ilina...thanks for keeping me inspired!
Carri said…
After purchasing some of your instructions, I just know having a peek at your creations for U Stamp wuld be a win fall I can't miss out on. Thank you sooo much for the chance to win!!
Pam Hodges said…
Thanks for the chance to win! You inspire us with your postings.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
You have one of my favourite sites. I would love to win a UStamp class. You are so talented.
Kathy said…
Would love to win a pass. Thanks for the chance.
Kay Hahn Casler said…
I, too, would love to win a pass to UStamp. Congrats on being selected again to her creative team!
thanks for the opportunity to win a free pass ~ you girls are amazing!
Bea said…
Looks like an extremely fun class! Thanks for the chance to win!
Bea said…
OOPs! Forgot to add my email address:

ktstamps said…
Again, another Sunday and I am spending my spiritual time looking at blogs...I just thank God for this creation. I would love to have a free pass to Dawn' this friend program. Thank you for picking my name...:)! Have a great day! kt
Wow! Pick me pick me! Just kidding! But truely I would love to win this opportunity! Thanks for sharing!
kirsteen said…
I LOVE moving cards of any description - makes a special handmade card more interactive and EVEN MORE special! Thanks for the chance to win a FREE PASS!!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the opportunity to win a pass. Mary Hall
Laura Chidester said…
I am new to this community and really enjoy your art! I hope I win!!
Christine Allen said…
Ilina--love your creativity and ideas. How cool to win a pass to Ustamp.
Lynn Leusch said…
Thank you for sharing your creative artistry with us. I love your work.
Lopezvc23 said…
Congratulations, the honor is well deserved...your work is awesome! You are such an inspiration to us new crafters. Hope I win :)
Lopezvc23 said…
Congratulations, the honor is well deserved....your work is awesome! You are such an inspiration to us new crafters. Hope I win :) Sorry for the duplicate comment, I forgot to leave my email address in the last one.
I've heard so much about UStamp with Dawn & Friends. I would love an opportunity to win! That would be awesome! :0)
Unknown said…
WOW!!! I'm not surprised that you were asked! You ROCK!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win!!!

Kris Sobolik said…
Congratulations on your well deserved honor and for giving us all a chance to win a pass :)
Kris Sobolik
Jodeen said…
How exciting it would be to win a FREE Pass to UStamp. They always have great projects and with you as part of their team the projects will be even better!
Vickie Steele said…
I love your work and I love the work of all the design team on Dawn's UStamping in the fall. I would love to win the opportunity to attend the next class with a free pass. Thank You!!

Vickie Steele
Vickie Steele said…
I, too enjoy these events with Dawn and learning new things. Congratulations on being asked to join the design team again. I love your work. I would love to win a free pass to this. Thank you for the opportunity.

Vickie Steele
Mary Davidson said…
Congratulations on being selected again! Your work is fabulous! Thanks for the opportunity to win a free pass!
Mary Davidson said…
Geesh, I hit enter and it left me...LOL

Mary Davidson
momscrzr at cfl dot rr dot com
Jayne Stenstrom said…
Thank you for the chance to win this free pass! I would be thrilled to win!
p.s. And I love your blog and all the ideas you post - very inspiring and creative!
~Jayne S.
voyager said…
Congratulations! You deserve it! Your creations are wonderful!Thanks for the chance to win a free pass to UStamp.
carpediem said…
-would love to win a pass to UStamp! -the theme this time around sounds very interesting!!! laura j
Alicia TW said…
Congrats on becoming a Creative Crew girl!! What exciting news!! Definitely not surprised though with all of the creativity that flows from you!! :)
Judi Sparks said…
Wow! What an honor. Please add me to your drawing. I hope I win!!
Congrats on being a guest designer! Thanks for the chance to win a free pass.

Judging by all the are a TOP stamper! I agree that your work is creative and your knockout colors. Congrats on your being on the crew. Thanks for a chance at the free pass.
Justine said…
Wow a free pass! I barely found your blog a couple days ago and I'm glued to the laptop now. Your work is amazing and I'm truly inspired. Must say I'm writing a list of classes I want to buy from you. Amazing!!!!
Brenda said…
Wow, this would be so great to win. Pick me, pick me, lol.

Thanks for the opportunity to win this.
Congrats!!, you are having a great week, royal queen, and now UStamps. I love your work and helpful tips. You rock girl. Thanks for offering this awesome chance to win free passes.
I would love to win a free pass as uStamp is fab.
Barbra said…
Winning a free pass would be mahhhhhvelous, just mahhhhvelous.
Hope you pick me.
Anonymous said…
I would love to win a pass to UStamp. Your stuff is great and cards with cool moves sounds interesting.
Diane (DeeDee) said…
Thank you for the chance to win a pass to Ustamp. Your work is so inspiring. TFS!
Cheryl said…
You have to be one of the most creative people I have seen. I love your work and am always amazed at your creativity. Thanks for all the sharing you do. It means a lot to those of us that don't have a creative bone in our body (i do case well though!)
Nicole Tugrul said…
Congrats on being a Creative Crew Girl! It is no surprise you've been asked to be a part of UStamp're so creative! Thanks for the chance to win a free pass!!
Jaclynn Marie said…
What a great blog!!! So creative! Count me in on the "free" pass giveaway - Thanks!!!
StampingRaeRae said…
Thanks for the chance to win! This pass sounds like a great place to get some really great ideas! Hope you are enjoying your labor day!

Melissa said…
Thanks so much for the chance to win! I love the projects you have on your blog. I am inspired daily!
MaryE said…
Hi Ilina, LOve all your projects. Keeping fingers crossed that I win the UStamp pass. Thank you MaryE
Chris Anderson said…
I really enjoy your blog and would love to win!!
Lisa B said…
I purchased the current round of UStamp just because of the beatiful sample that you showed. I would love to get the next one for free!

Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent with the stamping world :)
Anonymous said…
Thanks for offering a free class. I would love to win :)
Looking forward to seeing your fab creations!
My email is:

Lisa Pressley
Lianne Carper said…
Thanks so much for the chance to win this! My email address is lianne at cardscraps dot com
A Touch of SOL said…
Congrats! It is no SURPRISE more of a "it's about time" You deserve being on the Creative Girls Crew...Pick Me Pick Me!
mary noble said…
Wow, lots of comments here!! Gonna put my comment in too, just in case I might actually win a pass, since I've never done this class before - congrats on being asked to do it again! Mary L
Heather A said…
Thanks for the UStamp giveaway.
Heather A
gilles dot arsenault2 at
Anonymous said…
Would love to win a pass. Love your stamping style.
Anonymous said…
awesome! congrats to you. I'd love a pass as I've never taken one of these before.

Cheryl Hirst said…
I would love to win...thanks for the opportunity! Thanks for all of your inspiration!!
Kitty A. said…
You are a Fab designer, and I have enjoyed the projects I've purchased from you. Thx for the chance to win a free pass to U Stamp with Dawn!
kit_marie09 at yahoo dot com
Unknown said…
Ooh pick me, pick me! I'd love to win a pass!
Alita said…
CONGRATULATIONS on being asked to join the Creative Crew Team!!!!
I would LOVE to win a pass to Dawn's event and to be able to see what YOU have planned for everyone as well.
Should I win (not holding my breath) you can reach me at:
Thanks for a chance to win