Baking makes life sweeter and Chameleon Pencils review

Hi stampers!
This post is long over-due. I finally finished the video for my Chameleon Pencil review. I was going to post it earlier, then it felt kind of empty to not have a finished card, so I had to add a card. LoL.
Before I move onto the card and video, I wanted to mention that this is not sponsored review and no product have been provided. I purchased the pencils myself from the Chameleon pens website (link below and shipping is free!!! :D)


I have these pencils and love them. Recently introduced a few friends to them. After viewing your excellent video, one of my friends said she is convinced and is ordering her set. I also have all the pens which I use a great deal and am waiting for the Toppers. Please keep up the good work.