My Etsy Shop
ALL CLASS INSTRUCTIONS - instant download :)
Awash with flowers puffy box and love notes template
ALL CLASS INSTRUCTIONS - instant download :)
Awash with flowers puffy box and love notes template
New class for March/April and template: Awash with flowers bag and A2 card set
Bouquet Bunch House and Love notes template and instructions
Masculine -Totally tools instruction and template
Mother's Day Stationery set

Bouquet Bunch House and Love notes template and instructions
Masculine -Totally tools instruction and template
Mother's Day Stationery set

There is one more UStamp pass I have to give away. Click HERE to read how you can win the last FREE UStamp Pass.
While ago I made couple of these cards, which I CASE-d from Kirsty Brown , a demonstrator from Australia.Well I got a customer order for 5 of these cards but saying Happy Mother's Day. I went little firther, as I needed some Birthday cards and a card for my mother in law.
FYI I don't mention that I am making anything for my mom, since we don't have Mother's day in Europe. We have the international women's day which is on March 8th. So don't think I am a bad daughter ;-) I really like how these cards came out.
To answer few questions, many people have been asking me what is my job. LOL. Are you ready for the answer, it's nothing art or crafts related. Here's the scoop. I work as an E3000 Electrical Power Engineer for Siemens Energy Inc. ( Siemens is an German company). E3000 means I work in the Excitation system group, where we are 4 engineers. It's a small group and many times we are swamped with projects. Excitation systems are used in Power Plants where the electrical energy is produced.
Excitation systems have a powerful impact on generator dynamic performance and availability, it ensures quality of generator voltage and reactive power, i.e. quality of delivered energy to consumers.
Main functions of excitation system are to provide variable DC current with short time overload capability, controlling terminal voltage with suitable accuracy, ensure stable operation with network and/ or other machines, contribution to transient stability subsequent to a fault, communicate with the power plant control system and to keep machine within permissible operating range
After we design and build these systems we test them in a test cell where we work with very high current and voltage ( 600V and current up to 1000A)
Now the eye candy :))) Enjoy!

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