I just received my Ocassions Mini pre-order today, and I have so much school work to do....what a bummer, my new toys are so tempting. Anyway, I was taking a break from writing this huge paper on career choices for my english class and played a little with my scallop oval punch and different shapes I could create. It's so fun. You can make circles, umbrellas, smaller ovals, narrower ovals....so many possibilities. Here is what I came up with in couple minutes. Now back to my paper, why in the world did I chose electrical engineering as my career. Well, not really why in the world. I really like it. It's so much fun and it constantly tickles my brain :)
Anyway, this punch with be available for purchase starting April 1st.
Click on the picture to see it enlarged
Anyway, this punch with be available for purchase starting April 1st.
Click on the picture to see it enlarged

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