This past couple days went so fast, that I totally forgot to take pictures of the cards I made and post them here. On Tuesday we had friends over for dinner, I made a Macedonian dish called musaka (mousaka), which is similar to the Greek mousaka, just instead of eggplants uses potatoes. It came out delicious. And then we fattened outselves with some apple pie, cookies and Hagen-Daasz ice cream, and topped that all off with playing SPINJAS, yeah you heard SPINJAS, it's a game my husband brought from over my in-laws place when we were over there for Thanksgiving and he was cleaning the basement and his toys from his childhood, and SPINJAS was one of the games he had.

This is Sean pouting (sp?) because I kept stealing his spinja, actually he kept stealing mine and I kept getting it back. LOL, on the end I just put it in my pocket LOL

As well I got all my grades, woohoo, I am excited as I got three A's and one B+. Especially I am excited for my A in Probability and Statistics, because I was considering dropping that class.
Anyway, onto the cards now. Here are the cards for Sean's side of the family, we made 10 of them, and they are a CASE from the Holiday Mini Catalog. It took forever to make them. I used 12x12 bordering blue cardstock, so the size is almost as a standard card, since it's three fold.
Scroll down for supplies.
As well I have more creations to share, I just need to edit the pictures.

Love the cards and can see why they took an age to complete....but worth it eh?
I LOVE these cards... this is one of the sets I considered buying when it came out in the catalog.
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