Finals are over and the grades are up, I got one A+, two A's and one stinkin' B in Microeconomics, but I am happy with my B considering how much I hate multiple choice exams and tricky answers. LoL.

My new allergy medications are working! WooHoo!
In little over 2 weeks I am starting my co-op at Peco. I still need to do the drug screening for the job.
And finally I am done with the project I was working on, and the result of it is an TOTALLY MESSY ROOM, as you can see below, so I need to work on that now. My workspace has never been as messy as it's now!!! Gotta do some cleaning now.
Other than that I wanted to share some watercoloring effects and tips. I stamped the frog from Unfrogettable on 3 different papers and got 3 different watercoloring results. I colored with ink pads and with paint brushes. I think the trick is to use different sizes of brushes. I personally don't like the aqua painter at all, I don't know why, but I like the old fashioned paint brushes. :) AS well I have discovered that coloring in circular motions gives more even coloring of the image.

Shimmery white cardstock
Another tip about watercoloring, do not put the water for coloring in same kind of cup as yor drink, cause you will end up drinking from it by mistake! (don't ask me how I know)
Here are the results:
Whisper white cardstock
Watercolor paper
Thanks also for the watercoloring pictures. I can't believe how much better the watercolor paper looks compared with the white CS.
congrats on a good quarter at Drexel!
Great pics and technique.
Have a wonderful day and thanks for sharing:)
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